Omega Men Annual #1 - Alex Nino art + 1st issue

Omega Men annual #1
Omega Men v1 Annual #1, 1984 - Alex Nino's longest effort for this title is also his most disappointing. The story pencils (not his) are erratic and the layouts uninspired. Rather than allowing his inks to come to the fore, Nino takes passive approach that neither enhances nor improves upon the artwork. Opportunities to add texture and depth are mostly squandered. The artist's two other issues in this series are far superior, perhaps due to having both pencilling and inking duties. This is 1 of 1 Omega Men Annual issues by Nino. /// key 1st issue
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"Heaven and Hell Waiting in the Wings" Nino story inks (Tod Smith pencils) 42 pages = *

Alex Nino
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Omega Men Annual #1 - Alex Nino art + 1st issue Omega Men Annual #1 - Alex Nino art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 10:15 AM Rating: 5

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