Weird Worlds #3 |
Weird Worlds v3 #3, 1972 - Joe Orlando's cover opens this issue, an attempted homage to Frank Frazetta's
Famous Funnies #213. John Carter Warlord of Mars and David Innes in Pellucidar, both Edgar Rice Burroughs creations, continue their respective storylines.
Neal Adams (credited as "C. Bunker") inks the second feature, assisted by several other artists. More aggressive than his previous issue, his style tends to dominate the pages, elevating the artwork to new heights. Other artists in this bronze age science fiction comic include Murphy Anderson. This is 2 of 2
Weird Worlds v3 issues by
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"Temple of the Damned" Adams partial story inks (Alan Weiss pencils, Dick Giordano, Dan Green? partial inks) 12 pages = ***
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1 comment:
Not a horrible cover, but maybe “poorly drawn” when compared to Frazetta. What does the creature have in the palm of its right hand? Its nose?
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