Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #10 - Steve Ditko art & cover

Steve Ditko science fiction golden age charlton comic book cover - Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #10
Steve Ditko
Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds v1 #10, 1958 - Four Steve Ditko stories reside in this single issue. Each is similar in drawing style, while differing slightly in approach. "The Strange One'' seems to show little effort, while ''Forbidden Planet'' is more purposely crafted. Two other tales are longer and incorporate the series host directly into the layouts (see interior page below). All four pale in comparison, however, to Ditko's excellent cover. A local man traverses the swamp, encountering a weird structure rising from the water. A light blue silhouetted tree frames the superbly detailed scene. Other artists in this golden age comic include Bill Molno and Sal Trapani. This is 8 of 16 Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds issues by Ditko.
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Ditko cover pencils and inks = ****
''The Joke'' Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = **
''Forbidden Planet'' Ditko story pencils and inks 2 pages = **
"One Way Trip'' Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = **
"The Strange One'' Ditko story pencils and inks 2 pages = *

Steve Ditko science fiction golden age charlton comic book page - Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #10
Steve Ditko
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Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #10 - Steve Ditko art & cover Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #10 - Steve Ditko art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 7:11 PM Rating: 5


Unknown said...

Got to be one of Ditko's greatest covers

Unknown said...

one of Ditko's finest covers

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