Famous Funnies #213 - Frank Frazetta cover

Frank Frazetta

2.  Famous Funnies v1 #213, 1954 - One of Frank Frazetta's most famous covers, Buck Rogers and company stand fast while a brutish creature emerges from the shadows. His eyes glow curiously just as he begins to cross the threshold. The diminutive figures accentuate the creature's larger size, but the woman's limbs seem mis-proportioned and stunted. That aside, Frazetta expends great effort in illustrating complex, futuristic machinery. The background design is both aesthetically pleasing and utterly convincing. The artist's real genius is in deciding to obscure the larger figure, allowing the readers to imagine his horrific appearance. Other artists in this issue include Ed Moore. This is 5 of 8 Famous Funnies issues by Frazetta. /// Top 10 Frazetta comics / Frazetta galleryoriginal cover
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Frazetta cover pencils and inks = *****

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Famous Funnies #213 - Frank Frazetta cover Famous Funnies #213 - Frank Frazetta cover Reviewed by Ted F on 2:13 PM Rating: 5
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