Daredevil #51 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover

Daredevil v1 #51 marvel 1960s silver age comic book cover art by Barry Windsor Smith
Barry Windsor Smith
Daredevil v1 #51, 1969 - A rampaging robot fulfills his mission, despite all of Daredevil's efforts. Barry Smith struggles with the cover design, depicting Matt Murdock precariously perched on a wire. Inside, the artist makes up for it with eye-catching story pages. Smith boldly experiments with pacing and layout, using free floating images, overlapping panels and more. Less successful is the stark black and white illustration on page 16, which is confusing at best (turn sideways to see Daredevil's duplicate faces). This is 2 of 6 Daredevil issues by Smith. /// original page
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Smith cover pencils (George Klein inks) = *
"Run, Murdock, Run" Smith story pencils (George Klein inks) 20 pages = **

Daredevil v1 #51 marvel 1960s silver age comic book page art by Barry Windsor Smith
Barry Windsor Smith
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Daredevil #51 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Daredevil #51 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 5:59 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Booksteve said...

I have to say you're right about that one black and white page not really working. SO right in fact that in 44 years I never once realized it was DD's face if you turn it sideways!!

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