Secrets of Sinister House #8 - Alex Nino art

Secrets of Sinister House #8
Secrets of Sinister House v1 #8, 1972 - Lunar-bound along with his crew mates, an astronaut fights his compulsion to turn into a werewolf. The sharp, angular drawings of Alex Nino lend a disturbing tone to the story. His inventive panel sequences are limited by the relatively short page count, but the thin verticals on page two (see interior page shown below) perfectly capture the liftoff with an efficiency of space. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Ruben Yandoc and Bill Draut. Cover by Nick Cardy. This is 1 of 4 Secrets of Sinister House issues by Nino. /// Nino gallery
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"Moonlight Bay!" Nino story pencils and inks 5 pages = ***

Alex Nino
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Secrets of Sinister House #8 - Alex Nino art Secrets of Sinister House #8 - Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:16 AM Rating: 5

1 comment: said...

I love the sites that show a whole story. This blog is a teaser. I love the covers but the stories are the reason to be interested in comics. Most of the artists and writers are dead now. It is nice when people still read their stuff. some bolsters are keeping the work alive in our culture.
I look for blogs that have the whole stories and keep coming back to this blog hoping you'll give us something.

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