Donald Duck #54 - Carl Barks art

Donald Duck #54
Walt Disney's Donald Duck v1 #54, 1957 - Duckburg's pickle crop falters due to a new malicious insect. In search of a remedy, Donald and his nephews travel to South America, where they encounter a hidden valley teeming with dinosaurs. Carl Barks captures a sense of adventure while maintaining his quick-witted humor. Though similar in theme to the "The Lost World", the artist combines humor and science fiction into a lighthearted parody. The hilarity of panicked, stampeding alligators on page 13 is overshadowed by the massive stampeding dinosaurs on page 25. Barks exceeds expectations on one of his last full-length Donald Duck tales. This golden age comic story was reprinted in Donald Duck #248. This is 36 of 43 Donald Duck issues by Barks.
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"Forbidden Valley" Barks story pencils and inks 26 pages = ****

Carl Barks
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Donald Duck #54 - Carl Barks art Donald Duck #54 - Carl Barks art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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