House of Mystery #274 - Marshall Rogers art

House of Mystery #274

9.  House of Mystery v1 #274, 1979 - A church minister is invited to a hellish theme park at the invitation of its devilish owner (think Billy Graham meets Bob Guccione). Marshall Rogers uses a montage effect on the first page, purposely disorienting the reader. His pencils and inks throughout work seamlessly together, resulting in an uncommonly sophisticated-looking story. Among the many fine drawings, my personal favorite is the minister's arrival at the park gates (see interior page below). This tale is easily Rogers' best of the series. This story was first reprinted in Shadow of the Batman #1. Other artists in this issue include Jerry Bingham and Tex Blaisdell. Cover by Joe Orlando. This is 2 of 2 House of Mystery issues by Rogers. /// Top 10 Rogers comics
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"Hell Park" Rogers story pencils and inks 9 pages = *****

Marshall Rogers
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House of Mystery #274 - Marshall Rogers art House of Mystery #274 - Marshall Rogers art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:13 PM Rating: 5

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