The Frogmen #2 - Frank Frazetta art

The Frogmen #2
The Frogmen v1 #2, 1962 - On this diving-themed title, George Evans provides the art on several of the early issues (some of his best work, I might add). Frank Frazetta appears to have inked several panels, though uncredited. Abrupt changes in style occur on pages 16,17,23-27, but the lackluster results suggest perhaps a third artist lending a hand. Frazetta's contributions are most evident on the figures and faces of various characters. Regardless of the credits, the lush tropical scenery and serene underwater scenes are impressively rendered. This is 1 of 2 Frogmen issues by Frazetta.
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"Underwater Horror" Frazetta partial inks (George Evans pencils) 32 pages = ***

The Frogmen v1 #2 dell 1960s silver age comic book page art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
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The Frogmen #2 - Frank Frazetta art The Frogmen #2 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted F on 5:05 PM Rating: 5

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