Flash Gordon v4 #3 - Al Williamson cover

Flash Gordon v4 #3 1960s silver age science fiction comic book cover art by Al Williamson
Al Williamson
Flash Gordon v4 #3, 1967 - Flash Gordon and his female companion stand poised while a magnificent cityscape serves as the backdrop. The hero has his gun drawn, as if approached by a yet-unseen threat (Dale unsurprisingly clings to him for protection). Al Williamson does a splendid job on this science-fiction themed cover, illustrating a strange alien environment and theatrically-inspired costumes. The scene is unusually sunny and bright, further reinforced by the warm color palette. Despite this, Williamson's precise layout and overall draftsmanship makes this one of his most memorable covers. This is 2 of 4 Flash Gordon v4 issues by Williamson.
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Williamson cover pencils and inks = ****

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Flash Gordon v4 #3 - Al Williamson cover Flash Gordon v4 #3 - Al Williamson cover Reviewed by Ted F on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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