1st Issue Special #5 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Manhunter

Jack Kirby
First Issue Special v1 #5 featuring Manhunter, 1975 - Originally a civilian adventure hero, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby drastically revamped Manhunter during the 1940s. The character was briefly resurrected in Detective Comics #437 with a new interpretation by Walt Simonson. Another a different man by the name of Mark Shaw takes over the mantle under Kirby's direction. The decapitated head on the cover is unusually gory for a superhero book, but still tame compared to pre-code horror comics. A mirror image is used on the opening splash, with slight modifications. An arresting two page spread follows, but the artwork tends to slightly diminish from there. This is 2 of 3 1st Issue Special issues by Kirby. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Mark Shaw as Manhunter
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Kirby cover pencils (D. Bruce Berry inks) = ***
Kirby story pencils (D. Bruce Berry inks) 18 pages = ***

Jack Kirby
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1st Issue Special #5 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Manhunter 1st Issue Special #5 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Manhunter Reviewed by Ted F on 6:11 PM Rating: 5


Britt Reid said...

Actually, Simon & Kirby's Golden Age Manhunter was, like their version of the Golden Age Sandman, a revamp of an existing non-tights wearing character.
The original Paul Kirk Manhunter ran in Adventure Comics from #58-72.
Simon & Kirby took over as of #73.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Right you are. Thanks for the reminder.

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