Little Lotta #1 - 1st issue

Little Lotta #1
Little Lotta v1 #1, 1955 - Back from her dentist appointment, Lotta's told she must abstain from eating for three hours. This turns out to be a near impossible task for a voracious little girl. On the cover of this first issue, she's accompanied by her friend Dot (probably a nod to Lotta's first appearance in Little Dot #1). Audiences clearly had an appetite for this character, as her series ran for 180 issues. /// key 1st issue
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"Mood for Food" 5 pages

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Little Lotta #1

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Little Lotta #1 - 1st issue Little Lotta #1 - 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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