Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #135 - Marshall Rogers art & cover

Marshall Rogers
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight v1 #135, 2000 - As gang wars and looting envelop Gotham City, Colonel Brass and his cronies arrive at their final destination: Wayne Manor. For fans of Marshall Rogers' work, there are architectural renderings and textures galore throughout the book. Upon closer inspection, the drawings themselves lack his usual level of draftsmanship. Rogers' cover is an exception. This is 4 of 5 Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight issues by Rogers.
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Rogers cover pencils (John Cebollero inks) = ***
"Siege part 4" Rogers story pencils (John Cebollero, Bob Wiacek inks) 25 pages = **

Marshall Rogers
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Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #135 - Marshall Rogers art & cover Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #135 - Marshall Rogers art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 PM Rating: 5

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