FOOM #3 - Jim Steranko cover

FOOM #3 bronze age 1970s marvel comic book cover art by Jim Steranko
Jim Steranko

FOOM (Friends of 'Ol Marvel) v1 #3, 1973 - Opening the third issue of this Marvel fanzine is Jim Steranko's humorous but compelling take on Spider-man. The artist also designed and edited the issue, filling in art and graphics as needed. Also note that this is the only Marvel infinity cover (scene within a scene within a scene, etc.) that I've ever seen. If anyone can find another example, I'd love to know about it. This is 3 of 4 Foom issues by Steranko
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Steranko cover pencils and inks = ****

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FOOM #3 - Jim Steranko cover FOOM #3 - Jim Steranko cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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