Silver Streak Comics #6 - 1st Daredevil

Silver Streak Comics #6
Silver Streak Comics v1 #6, 1940 - Trying to steal a scientist's new invention, a criminal gang proceeds to kill him and his wife. His young son is tortured to the point of losing his voice. Bart Hill grows up mastering the boomerang and vows to fight crime as Daredevil, the world's first mute superhero. His first appearance in this issue was written by Don Rico and drawn by Jack Binder. Cover by Jack Cole, creator of Plastic Man. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin Bart Hill as Daredevil
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"The Daredevil, Master of Courage" 8 pages

1st Daredevil
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Silver Streak Comics #6 - 1st Daredevil Silver Streak Comics #6 - 1st Daredevil Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 2:43 PM Rating: 5

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