Brave and the Bold #9 - Joe Kubert art

Brave and the Bold #9
Brave and the Bold v1 #9, 1956 - Sighting a fire troll at sea, the village fisherman refuse to out again, despite the Viking Prince's urging. In both Joe Kubert's layouts and drawings, there is no lack of effort or detail. His linework and cross-hatching are masterful throughout. The fire troll in the opening splash  recedes into the background, perhaps due to a different medium (charcoal?). The technique effectively increases the scene's depth and is used no where else in subsequent pages. This story was later reprinted in Best of the Brave and the Bold #6. Other artists in this golden age comic include Russ Heath and Irv Novick. Cover by Novick. This is 9 of 33 Brave and the Bold issues by Kubert.
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"Peril of the Burning Sea" Kubert story pencils and inks 8 pages = ****

Joe Kubert
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Brave and the Bold #9 - Joe Kubert art Brave and the Bold #9 - Joe Kubert art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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