Best of Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge #2 - Carl Barks cover reprint and reprints

Best of Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge #2
Best of Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge v1 #2, 1967 - With a larger page count than normal, this edition features Carl Barks at his best. The reprints include stories from Four Color v2 #256 ("Luck of the North"), Uncle Scrooge #7 ("The Seven Cities of Cibola") and Uncle Scrooge #8

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Best of Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge #2 - Carl Barks cover reprint and reprints Best of Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge #2 - Carl Barks cover reprint and reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:50 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

DanMan said...

Terrible coloring on the new cover- the water doesn't even look like water.

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