Mystery Tales #40 - Steve Ditko art

Mystery Tales #40
Mystery Tales v1 #44, 1956 - After inexplicably gaining another 24 hours, a structural engineer is able to prevent a disaster on a nearby bridge. The story art is adequate, yet slightly different from Steve Ditko's other works from the same era. There are more details, yet less fluidity in the drawings. Ultimately, this effort is less recognizable in both style and execution. Perhaps another artist provided the inks? Other artists in this golden age comic include Manny Stallman, Vic Carrabotta and Carl Burgos. This is 1 of 3 Mystery Tales issues by Ditko.
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"March Has 32 Days" Ditko story pencils and inks 4 pages = **

Steve Ditko
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Mystery Tales #40 - Steve Ditko art Mystery Tales #40 - Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:00 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

DanMan said...

I like the assortment of characters in panel one and the dramatic lighting in panel two. I would give the writing less than one star however. What astrological evidence proved there was a March 32?

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