Strange Adventures #12 - Alex Toth art

Strange Adventures #12
Strange Adventures v1 #12, 1951 - In the distant future, the planet Polaris breaks its pact with Earth by building an unauthorized, weaponized Thought Machine. Artistically, Alex Toth uses some odd layout configurations and panel designs. While potentially interesting, the inking mostly sanitizes the pencils. Even some of the larger panels (page 1, 7) seem static in composition. In general, Toth’s silver age DC work varies in quality. This story was later reprinted in From Beyond the Unknown #2. Other artists in this golden age comic include Murphy Anderson and Carmine Infantino. Cover by Gil Kane. This is 3 of 7 Strange Adventures issues by Toth. /// Toth gallery
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"The Brain Masters of Polaris" Toth
story pencils (Sy Barry inks) 10 pages = **

Alex Toth
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Strange Adventures #12 - Alex Toth art Strange Adventures #12 - Alex Toth art  Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:00 AM Rating: 5

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