House of Mystery #196 - Alex Toth reprint

House of Mystery #196

House of Mystery v1 #196, 1971 - Though it contains a few new stories, the standout in this issue is an Alex Toth reprint from My Greatest Adventure #60. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Gray Morrow, Nick Cardy and Wayne Howard. 

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House of Mystery #196 - Alex Toth reprint House of Mystery #196 - Alex Toth reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:29 PM Rating: 5


DanMan said...

Don't forget the Adams cover.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Overstreet doesn't credit Adams for the cover and I tend to agree. Looks more like Tony DeZuniga trying to be Adams on the faces on the two male figures. I looked at DeZuniga's "All-Star Western" issues from the same period and there were Adams-like emulations on several panels.

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