Seduction of the Innocent 3-D #1 - unpublished Alex Toth art, Dave Stevens cover

Seduction of the Innocent 3-D #1

Seduction of the Innocent 3-D v1 #1, 1985 - Perhaps seen for the first time in comics, "Gift Of Murder" is an unpublished work intended for Adventures into Darkness #15. Several sources credit Alex Toth and I tend to agree. The rest of the issue is comprised of reprints. All stories are printed in 3-D effect, which can be best seen with the attached glasses. Dave Stevens revives the "good girl art" theme from the 1940s, supplying a sexy new Halloween cover. Other artists in this issue include George Roussos, Mike Sekowsky, Gene Fawcette and Mike Roy. /// select Stevens cover
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Stevens cover pencils and inks
"Gift Of Murder" Toth story pencils (Mike Peppe inks) 2 pages (3-D printing effect) = ***

Alex Toth
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Seduction of the Innocent 3-D #1 - unpublished Alex Toth art, Dave Stevens cover Seduction of the Innocent 3-D #1 - unpublished Alex Toth art, Dave Stevens cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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