Marvel Team Up #101 - Steve Ditko art

Marvel Team Up #101
Marvel Team-Up v1 #101, 1981 - In addition to the Spider-man team-up feature, Nighthawk gets his own solo back-up story. Steve Ditko illustrates the hero's late night flight as he questions his own legitimacy as a superhero. The plight of a little girl will ultimately yield the answer. Ditko's artwork strains with emotion in this brief tale, but just falls below expectations. Other artists in this copper age comic include Jerry Bingham, Mike Esposito. Cover by Mike Nasser. This is 1 of 1 Marvel Team-Up issues by Ditko.
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"Don't Let the Sun Come Up on Me" Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = **

Steve Ditko
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Marvel Team Up #101 - Steve Ditko art Marvel Team Up #101 - Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:23 PM Rating: 5

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