House of Secrets #136 - Nestor Redondo art, mis-attributed Bernie Wrightson art

House of Secrets #136
House of Secrets v1 #136, 1975 - Cain from the House of Mystery stops by and subsequently puts brother Abel on the dinner menu. Nestor Redondo's intro page is a bit sparse, allowing too much room for dialogue to be filled in later. Still, he makes up for it with his seasoned drawing skill. Despite what some comic book guides say, there is no Bernie Wrightson art inside. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Bill Draut, Ramona Fradon, John Albano and Franc Reyes. This is 8 of 10 House of Secrets issues by Redondo. /// Redondo gallery
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Redondo intro pencils and inks 1 page = ***

Nestor Redondo
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House of Secrets #136 - Nestor Redondo art, mis-attributed Bernie Wrightson art House of Secrets #136 - Nestor Redondo art, mis-attributed Bernie Wrightson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:27 PM Rating: 5

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