X-Men #5 - Jack Kirby art & cover

Jack Kirby
X-Men v1 #5, 1964 - After capturing the Angel, Magneto and his evil mutants transport him back to their orbiting headquarters. The X-men use their own captive, the Toad, to gain entry and attempt a rescue. Despite all the usual action, Jack Kirby's more interesting scenes occur toward the story's beginning. The heroes scramble to normalize themselves, just in time to greet Marvel Girl's visiting parents (pages 3-4). The ordinary setting and circumstances are a brief respite from the ongoing battles. Kirby's cover is busy, yet maintains depth and hierarchy among the figures. This story was later reprinted in Amazing Adventures v4 #9. This is 5 of 17 X-men issues by Kirby.
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Kirby cover pencils (Paul Reinman inks) = ***
"Trapped: One X-Man" Kirby story pencils (Paul Reinman inks) 24 pages = ***

Jack Kirby
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X-Men #5 - Jack Kirby art & cover X-Men #5 - Jack Kirby art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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