Vampirella #1 - Neal Adams art, Frank Frazetta art & cover + 1st appearance

Vampirella #1 silver age 1960s comic book magazine cover art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
Vampirella v1 #1, 1969 - The deceptively simple cover design is one of Frank Frazetta's most revered covers for Warren Publishing. Details such as the woman's heel perched on a skull and the batwing-like shadow are masterful touches. A black and white version of Vampirella (also by Frazetta) greets the reader on the inside front cover. Neal Adams illustrates a tale of a beautiful woman seeking refuge from her underwater home of Atlantis. The artwork is entirely reproduced from pencils, complete with all the nuances of line and shading. The fight scenes are particularly violent, something rarely seen in Adams' mainstream comics. Still, the drawings are nonetheless alluring and spectacular. This story was later reprinted in Eerie v3 #125 and Vampirella annual #1. The lead story is noteworthy for the first appearance of Vampirella. This Forrest J. Ackerman story was drawn by Tom Sutton. This is 1 of 3 Vampirella issues by Adams and 1 of 5 Vampirella issues by Frazetta. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Vampirella, 1st issue
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Frazetta cover painting = ****
Frazetta inside front cover pencils and inks (black, white and red)= ***
"Vampirella of Draculon" Tom Sutton story pencils and inks 7 pages
"Goddess from the Sea" Adams story pencils 6 pages (black and white) = ****

Vampirella #1 silver age 1960s comic book magazine page art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta

Vampirella #1 silver age 1960s warren comic book magazine page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Vampirella #1 - Neal Adams art, Frank Frazetta art & cover + 1st appearance Vampirella #1 - Neal Adams art, Frank Frazetta art & cover + 1st appearance Reviewed by Ted F on 7:50 PM Rating: 5

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