Korak Son of Tarzan v1 #11, 1965 - Two tales by Russ Manning place Korak in exotic, undiscovered lands within Africa. In the first, he fights alongside the Stork Men of Pal-Ul-Don as they defend their territory. The artwork shows promise, but falters from lack of depth and detail in many panels. The second story features the hero's first foray into the City of Opar. Manning's art is more polished and distinctive, especially the large panel of the fabled city (page 3). The view is wide in scope with an equal distribution of light and dark to enhance depth. Interestingly, two educational pages feature Korak touting the benefits of good fitness habits. This is 11 of 12 Korak issues by Manning. /// Manning gallery
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"Invasion from Pul-Ul-Don" Manning story pencils and inks (Mike Royer partial inks) 15 pages = **
"The White Pygmies Strike Back" Manning story pencils and inks 9 pages = ***
"Keeping Fit with Korak" Manning inside front cover pencils and inks (black and white) = ***
"Keeping Fit with Korak" Manning inside back cover pencils and inks (black and white) = ***
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Korak Son of Tarzan #11 - Russ Manning art
Reviewed by Ted F
2:53 PM

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