Adventure Comics #419 - Alex Toth art

Adventure Comics #419
Adventure Comics v1 #419 featuring Supergirl, 1972 - Concluding the story begun in the previous issue, the Black Canary is taken hostage by a female gang. As before, Alex Toth's straightforward style borders on simplistic, but compensates with bold layout and panel designs. Especially clever is his opening splash, depicting the unconscious heroine and her captors within a montage of photographic frames. This story was later reprinted in Adventure Comics #492. Elsewhere in the issue, new Supergirl and Zatanna tales accompany reprints of the Phantom Stranger and the Enchantress. This issue also includes cover artwork by Tony DeZuniga, Bob Oksner and Dick Giordano. This is 2 of 7 Adventure Comics issues by Toth. /// original page / Toth gallery
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"Black Canary" Toth story pencils and inks 8 pages = ***

Alex Toth
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Adventure Comics #419 - Alex Toth art Adventure Comics #419 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:55 PM Rating: 5

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