Planet of the Apes #4 - Mike Ploog art

Planet of the Apes #4
Planet of the Apes v1 #4, 1975 - Escaping in a mutant spacecraft, the main characters encounter a town of apes and humans living like frontiersmen. Detailed, textural backgrounds fill the pages, adding depth and interest to each setting. Mike Ploog's loose, spontaneous drawings are expressive rather than realistic, with largely pleasing results. Curiously, although Frank Chiramonte is the credited inker, Jim Mooney takes over on page 16 and finishes the remaining pages. Other artists in this issue include George Tuska and Mike Esposito. Cover by Bob Larkin. This is 4 of 10 Planet of the Apes issues with Ploog. /// Ploog gallery
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"A Riverboat Named Simian" Ploog story pencils (Frank Chiaramonte, Jim Mooney inks) 28 pages (black and white) = ***

Planet of the Apes v1 #4 curtis magazine page art by Mike Ploog
Mike Ploog
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Planet of the Apes #4 - Mike Ploog art Planet of the Apes #4 - Mike Ploog art Reviewed by Ted F on 7:58 AM Rating: 5

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