All Star Comics v2 #59 - Wally Wood art

All Star Comics v2 #59
All-Star Comics v2 #59 featuring the Justice Society of America and Super Squad, 1976 - Brainwave returns to battle the JSA, just newly reinforced with members of the Super Squad. Robin of Earth-2, Star Spangled Kid and Power Girl (in only her second appearance) each play a pivotal role in the plot. Ric Estrada's layouts are made more exciting by Wally Wood's superlative inks. Highlights include the complex machinery on page 11 and the well-designed action sequences on pages 14-15. This story was later reprinted in DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #3. Cover by Ernie Chua. This is 2 of 8 All-Star Comics issues by Wood. /// Wood gallery
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"Brainwave Blows Up" Wood story inks (Ric Estrada pencils) 18 pages = ***

All Star Comics v1 #59 dc bronze age comic book page art by Wally Wood
Wally Wood
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All Star Comics v2 #59 - Wally Wood art All Star Comics v2 #59 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:47 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Arion said...

I don't know why sometimes I forget Wally Wood also did superheroes for DC. I guess I'm more used to his other works.

Anyway, great post. I love your blog and I'll keep visiting it. You can check out mine here:


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