Mister Miracle #8 - Jack Kirby art, cover & key reprint + 1st Lump

Mister Miracle v1 #8 dc 1970s bronze age comic book cover art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
Mister Miracle v1 #8, 1972 - Fighting the grotesquely pliable Lump, Mr. Miracle must defeat him on a mental battlefield created by Granny Goodness. The last of the 52 pagers in this series, Jack Kirby's art continues to entertain and delight. His two full page splashes and roomy panels are this time overshadowed by one of his best double page spreads. Upon entering the barracks of the Female Fury Battalion, Big Barda witnesses a chaotic array of woman warriors. Kirby's complex layout is perfectly balanced with a clear hierarchy of figures, each creatively and individually costumed. An added bonus this issue is the first appearance of the Boy Commandos, created by Simon & Kirby and first presented in Detective Comics #64. This is 8 of 18 Mister Miracle issues by Kirby. /// key 1st appearance Lump / Kirby gallery
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Kirby cover pencils (Mike Royer inks) = ***
"The Battle of the Id" Kirby story pencils (Mike Royer inks) 26 pages = ****

Mister Miracle v1 #8 dc 1970s bronze age comic book page art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
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Mister Miracle #8 - Jack Kirby art, cover & key reprint + 1st Lump Mister Miracle #8 - Jack Kirby art, cover & key reprint + 1st Lump Reviewed by Ted F on 11:29 AM Rating: 5

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