My Own Romance #74 - non-attributed Matt Baker art & cover, non-attributed Jack Kirby art

Matt Baker
My Own Romance v1 #74, 1960 - In this tale of a teenager's heartbreak, there are a few glimpses of Jack Kirby's recognizable style. The opening splash, of a couple's lakeside conversation, is a bit too graphic and simply composed. Vince Colletta's inks mostly eviscerate Kirby's pencils. This story was later reprinted in Our Love Story #12 and My Love v2 #26Matt Baker's hand is evident on the cover, but much less so on the interior story. In "I Loved a Scoundrel", Diane's wealthy threatens to cut her off when she begins dating a professional gambler. This tale was later re-titled "I Loved a Reiver" and reprinted in Our Love Story #6. Note that comic book guides missed the attributions to both artists. Other artists in this silver age comic include John Forte and Jay Scott Pike. This is 14 of 14 My Own Romance issues by Baker and 3 of 5 My Own Romance issues by Kirby.
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Baker cover pencils (Vince Colletta inks) = **
He Was Perfect - But I Lost Him" Kirby story pencils (Vince Colletta inks) 5 pages = **
"I Loved a Scoundrel" Baker story pencils (Vince Colletta inks) 7 pages = *

Jack Kirby
Matt Baker

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My Own Romance #74 - non-attributed Matt Baker art & cover, non-attributed Jack Kirby art My Own Romance #74 - non-attributed Matt Baker art & cover, non-attributed Jack Kirby art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:47 AM Rating: 5

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