World of Mystery #6 - Al Williamson, Steve Ditko art

World of Mystery #6
World of Mystery v1 #6, 1957 - A foreboding haunted house becomes the initiation test for a trio of teenagers. Al Williamson opens with a crumbling Victorian, conveying its age and condition by a broken fence and withered trees. Ralph Mayo's splendid inks keep the panels appropriately dark and ominous. Steve Ditko illustrates a tale of a man who becomes invincible after a freak lightning strike. The art is atypically textural, yet the artist comfortably meets expectations. Other artists in this golden age science fiction comic include Gene Colan, Mac Pacula, Chuck Miller and Sol Brodsky. Cover by Carl Burgos. This is 2 of 2 World of Mystery issues by Ditko and 1 of 1 World of Mystery issues by Williamson
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"Secret of the Haunted House" Williamson story pencils (Ralph Mayo inks) 4 pages = ***
"The Most Dangerous Man in the World" Ditko story pencils and inks 4 pages = ***

Steve Ditko
World of Mystery v1 #6 atlas comic book page art by Al Williamson
Al Williamson
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World of Mystery #6 - Al Williamson, Steve Ditko art World of Mystery #6 - Al Williamson, Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:05 PM Rating: 5

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