Frontier Western #10 - non-attributed Matt Baker art

Frontier Western #10
Frontier Western v1 #10, 1957 - A bank robber seeks revenge on a witness that testified against him, only to a the man that stands his ground rather than runs away. Although a typical western morality tale, the artwork is infused with empathy thanks to Matt Baker. There are a few jarring selections by the colorist (see interior page below), but otherwise the distractions are few. Like many of his stories in this era, the brushwork is softer and more dimensional than the decade before. This unattributed tale is one of Baker's more memorable efforts for Atlas. This story was later reprinted in Gunhawks #7. Other artists in this issue include George Tuska and Sid Check. Cover by John Severin. This is 3 of 3 Frontier Western issues by Baker. /// Baker gallery
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"Dangerous Game" Baker story pencils and inks 5 pages = ***

Matt Baker
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Frontier Western #10 - non-attributed Matt Baker art Frontier Western #10 - non-attributed Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:32 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Danman said...

Painterly inks- Baker as well? A great page, but the last panel has awkward continuity. Did he fall off his horse? He's lucky the bad guy only shot his gun.

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