Green Lantern v2 #181 – Don Newton art

Green Lantern v2 #181 dc comic book cover art by Dave Gibbons
Green Lantern v2 #181
Green Lantern v2 #181, 1984 - Don Newton reprises a character from a previous issue, the squirrel-like Green Lantern named Ch’p. Set in an interplanetary bar and populated with a variety of alien characters, the visuals appear influenced by the cantina scene in Star Wars. Nevertheless, Newton’s artwork is both approachable and appealing. The opening panel’s scene in a decrepit bar is painstakingly rendered. The artist rarely inked his own pencils, which makes this issue that much more special. Note the story title's reference to the vintage comedy team of Laurel and Hardy. Other artists in this comic include Dave Gibbons and Mark Farmer. This is 3 of 3 Green Lantern v2 issues by Newton
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“One Night in a Bar on Lawrel-Hardee XI” Newton story pencils and inks 6 pages = ***

Green Lantern v2 #181 dc comic book page art by Don Newton
Don Newton
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Green Lantern v2 #181 – Don Newton art Green Lantern v2 #181 – Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:12 AM Rating: 5

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