Frontline Combat #9 - Wally Wood art, Harvey Kurtzman cover

Frontline Combat #9
Frontline Combat v1 #9, 1952 - The Civil War is the theme for this special EC issue. Harvey Kurtzman sets the tone with his precise cover. The guns are especially prominent, suggesting the Union army's overwhelming numbers. Wally Wood chronicles the early days leading up to the conflict. In St. Louis, crowds gather in the streets, anticipating violence. The artwork is exquisitely drawn, starting with the opening panel. A pair of military drums in the foreground and a riverboat in the far distance are carefully placed to increase the illusion of depth. Wood's artwork excels even amongst his talented EC peers. This story was later reprinted in Frontline Combat v2 #9. Other artists in this comic include Jack Davis, John Severin and Will Elder. This is 8 of 13 Frontline Combat issues by Wood. /// select Kurtzman cover / Wood gallery
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Kurtzman cover pencils and inks
"Choose Sides" Wood story pencils and inks 6 pages = ****

Frontline Combat v1 #9 ec golden age comic book page art by Wally Wood
Wally Wood
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Frontline Combat #9 - Wally Wood art, Harvey Kurtzman cover Frontline Combat #9 - Wally Wood art, Harvey Kurtzman cover Reviewed by Ted F on 1:14 PM Rating: 5

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