The Foozle #3 - Marshall Rogers cover reprint & reprint

The Foozle #3
The Foozle v1 #3, 1985 - Though continuing the numbering from Cap'n Quick and a Foozle, this story is actually a reprint from Eclipse Magazine #1Marshall Rogers' illustrations are the most appealing part of this sci-fi humor story. The title splash (page eleven) is the most skillful in composition, and a modified, cleaner version is repeated on the cover. While some panels are murky, overall this first full color version is nearly equal to the original in quality. This is 1 of 1 Foozle issues by Rogers.
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"Slab" Rogers story pencils and inks (first time in color) 19 pages = ***

Marshall Rogers

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The Foozle #3 - Marshall Rogers cover reprint & reprint The Foozle #3 - Marshall Rogers cover reprint & reprint Reviewed by Ted F on 2:09 PM Rating: 5
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