DC Comics Presents #54 - Don Newton art & cover

Don Newton
DC Comics Presents v1 #54, 1983 - Superman and Green Arrow take on a polluting corporation in this environmentally themed story. With twenty-three pages, Don Newton has room to vary panel sizes and layouts. His portrait of Superman on the opening splash page is impressive, taking great care in depicting the hero. Throughout the story, other panels (pages 9-10) seem to reinforce this. By comparison, Newton's cover is just satisfactory. This is 1 of 1 DC Comics Presents issues by Newton,
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Newton cover pencils (Dick Giordano inks) = ***
"The Price of Progress" Newton story pencils (Dan Adkins inks) 23 pages = ****

Don Newton
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DC Comics Presents #54 - Don Newton art & cover DC Comics Presents #54 - Don Newton art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 2:21 PM Rating: 5

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