World of Krypton v2 #3 - John Byrne / Walt Simonson cover

John Byrne / Walt Simonson
World of Krypton v2 #3, 1987 - Superman's father Kal-El looks upon a giant globe on this compelling third cover of the series. The layout looks deceptively simple, but the details reside within the orb itself. John Byrne's spaceships look even better with Walt Simonson's inking. The yellow structures above and below are a nice complement to the pale blues and purples of the central focal point. Other artists in this copper age comic include Mike Mignola and Carlos Garzon. This is 3 of 4 World of Krypton issues by Byrne and 3 of 4 World of Krypton issues by Simonson. /// original cover
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Byrne cover pencils / Simonson inks = ***

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World of Krypton v2 #3 - John Byrne / Walt Simonson cover World of Krypton v2 #3 - John Byrne / Walt Simonson cover Reviewed by Ted F on 1:02 PM Rating: 5

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