Warp #8 - Frank Brunner art & cover

Frank Brunner
Warp v1 #8, 1983 - Despite three dramatic splash pages, Frank Brunner's artwork is marred by poorly applied details. The shading on most figures and faces fails to bring depth. The inks are credited to Mike Gustovich, but more closely resembles his predecessor, Bruce Patterson. Overall the characters look ill-defined through lack of effort. Compare these pages to Brunner's artfully designed cover. This is 8 of 9 Warp issues by Brunner.
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Brunner cover pencils and inks = ***
"Paradox Lost" Brunner
story pencils and inks 18 pages = **

Frank Brunner
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Warp #8 - Frank Brunner art & cover Warp #8 - Frank Brunner art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 5:18 PM Rating: 5

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