Tomb of Dracula v2 #2 - Steve Ditko art

Tomb of Dracula v2 #2
Tomb of Dracula v2 #2, 1979 - This black and white magazine series accompanied the popular bronze age comic of the same name. Steve Ditko is tasked with drawing the feature story, one of his lengthiest during the bronze age. In the opening scene, Dracula is surrounded by an unknown mystical force reminiscent of the artist's early Strange Tales issues. From the onset, it seems evident that Ditko's eclectic style is inappropriate for the character. Dracula appears often corny and cartoonish rather than fearsome. Throughout the thirty-plus pages, the pacing is long and arduous, containing only a single splash to break up the monotony. While the artwork is disappointing, I admit it's still interesting to see Ditko's interpretation. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Gene Colan, Frank Robbins and John Tartaglione. This is 1 of 1 Tomb of Dracula v2 issues by Ditko
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"The Dimensional Man" Ditko story pencils and inks 36 pages (black and white) = **

Steve Ditko
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Tomb of Dracula v2 #2 - Steve Ditko art Tomb of Dracula v2 #2 - Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted F on 5:51 PM Rating: 5


Danman said...

Bob Larkin painting on the cover. He did the covers for many of the Marvel Fireside paperbacks of the '70s. I wasn't aware of this Ditko story, the reproduced page looks like his classic style.

Ted F said...

You should see Ditko's work in Creepy and Eerie. It's even better. These issues should be posted soon.

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