Spectacular Spider-man v2 #17 - John Byrne cover

John Byrne
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-man v2 #17, 1978 - Not long after his stint on The Champions, John Byrne's cover features one of the founding members, the Angel. More visceral than graceful, his artwork comes through despite the domineering masthead and clutter of word balloons. Other artists in this bronze age comic include include Sal Buscema and Dave Hunt. This is 1 of 5 Spectacular Spider-man issues by Byrne
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Byrne cover pencils (Joe Rubinstein inks) = ***

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Spectacular Spider-man v2 #17 - John Byrne cover Spectacular Spider-man v2 #17 - John Byrne cover Reviewed by Ted F on 10:36 PM Rating: 5

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