DC Comics Presents #26 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st Teen Titans

Jim Starlin
DC Comics Presents v1 #26, 1980 - Too many competing elements nearly mar this promising Jim Starlin cover. The artist begins a short run on this Superman team-up series. Unfortunately, his story pencils are overpowered by the hard-edged inks of Steve Mitchell. Green Lantern, Superman and the rest of the figures appear stiff and clunky throughout. Notably, this issue introduces a new Teen Titans team in an inset story. Robin and Kid Flash and Wonder Girl return, joined by the Changeling (formerly Beast Boy). Completing the roster are Raven (copper age), Starfire (copper age) and Cyborg, all making their first appearances. This story was written by Marv Wolfman and drawn by George Perez and Dick Giordano. This is 1 of 7 DC Comics Presents issues by Starlin. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin copper age Teen Titans / Starlin gallery
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = ***
"Between Friend and Foe" Starlin story pencils (Steve Mitchell inks) 17 pages = **
"Where Nightmares Begin" Teen Titans story 14 pages
1st copper age Teen Titans

Jim Starlin
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DC Comics Presents #26 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st Teen Titans DC Comics Presents #26 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st Teen Titans Reviewed by Ted F on 7:15 PM Rating: 5


Andrew Wahl said...

I have to disagree about the cover; I've always been awfully fond of this one. You're spot on about the interior inks, though. As much as I enjoyed Stalin's DC Presents issues, the inks kept them from being classics.

I enjoyed checking out your blog!


Ted F said...

Thanks for the comments, and offering up a different opinion. As for Starlin's other DC presents issues, I'll be posting them all soon. Issues #36 and #37 are the best of the bunch.

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