Aztec Ace #7 - Nestor Redondo art, mis-attributed Redondo cover

Aztec Ace #7
Aztec Ace v1 #7, 1984 - Experimental layouts continue in this sci-fi saga, some more successful than others. Nestor Redondo's inks remain impressive and pleasing to the eye. Of note is an illustration of row buildings on page 13, reminiscent of Jim Steranko's work (see interior page below). Some comic price guides have mis-attributed the cover inks to Redondo. Tom Yeates's name clearly appears on the bottom left corner. This is 7 of 8 Aztec Ace issues by Redondo. /// Redondo gallery
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"Murdicide" Redondo story inks (Dan Day pencils) 28 pages = ***

Nestor Redondo
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Aztec Ace #7 - Nestor Redondo art, mis-attributed Redondo cover Aztec Ace #7 - Nestor Redondo art, mis-attributed Redondo cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:00 AM Rating: 5
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