Micronauts Annual #2 - Steve Ditko art & cover

Steve Ditko
Micronauts v1 Annual #2, 1980 - While the majority of pages in this second annual are drawn by Steve Ditko, Rich Buckler lends a hand by pencilling the first seven pages. Interestingly, Ditko himself inks Buckler's pages, possibly in an attempt to maintain consistency. Although the layouts are more flexible than the previous annual, Ditko's drawings are generally unspectacular. The sole highlight of the issue is the revelation of a villain's identity on page 25, due to its large panels and splendid design. A series of Micronaut portraits rounds out the book, providing new readers with additional background info. This is 2 of 2 Micronauts Annual issues by Ditko
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Ditko cover pencils and inks = **
"The Terrible Toymaster" Ditko
story inks (Rich Buckler pencils) first 7 pages, Ditko pencils and inks 23 pages = **
Micronauts & friends portraits Ditko pencils
and inks 5 pages = **

Steve Ditko
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Micronauts Annual #2 - Steve Ditko art & cover Micronauts Annual #2 - Steve Ditko art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 10:38 PM Rating: 5


Danman said...

Wow, man. Looks just like page 16 from the first Micronauts annual.
Here's a good link discussing Ditko inks on Kirby: http://www.ditko.comics.org/ditko/artist/arosadv2.html . Missing from the list is FF #13 (1st appearance Watcher).

Eric White said...

Steve Ditko has inked Jack Kirby many times in the late 1950's and early 1960's, including an issue of the Hulk and Fantastic Four.

Anonymous said...

Ditko inked other artists from time to time in his career. Aside from Kirby, he inked Dick Ayers on Sgt. Fury # 15; John Byrne's cover to Machine Man # 14; Ayers again on a Jaguar story in Fly # 5 and a Wolf and Byrd, Counselors of the Macabre back-up tale, drawn by Batton Lash, in Satan's Six # 1. Ditko is also inked Eric Stanton for a number of years on his bondage strips, although he has never taken credit for it.

Nick Caputo

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