Infinity Inc #12 - Don Newton art

Infinity Inc #12
Infinity Inc. v1 #12, 1985Don Newton's next to last comic book work resides on the first three pages, showing various super-heroes in more mundane settings. On page one, one of the characters awakens to answer a Captain Carrot telephone by his bedside, a bit of industry humor and reference to another DC series. Whereas many artists struggle with the ordinary interaction between people, Newton excels in these types of scenes. Although scant, his prelude offers a quieter tone before the pace of the story picks up. Other artists in this comic include Tom Burgard and Tony DeZuniga. This is 2 of 3 Infinity Inc. issues by Newton.
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"Press Conference" Newton story pencils (Joe Rubinstein inks) 3 pages = ***

Don Newton
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Infinity Inc #12 - Don Newton art Infinity Inc #12 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 4:32 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These 3 pages were actually the last3 Don ever drew even thou they were published first.I had the bitter/sweet privilege of inking them.
Joe Rubinstein

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