Battlestar Galactica #12 - Walt Simonson art & cover

Walt Simonson
Battlestar Galactica v1 #12, 1980 - In order to save the ship and crew, Apollo decides to sacrifice himself by staying on Scavenge World. Small and numerous panels fill the pages, yet Walt Simonson's art still maintains interest. His line quality is particularly good on his spaceship renditions. Mostly impactful is his vivid cover of Commander Adama breaking out of his confines. This is 4 of 14 Battlestar Galactica issues by Simonson. /// Simonson gallery
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Simonson cover pencils and inks = ***
"The Trap" Simonson story pencils (Klaus Janson inks) 17 pages = ***

Walt Simonson
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Battlestar Galactica #12 - Walt Simonson art & cover Battlestar Galactica #12 - Walt Simonson art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 10:08 PM Rating: 5

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