Aztec Ace #2 - Nestor Redondo art

Aztec Ace #2
Aztec Ace v1 #2, 1984 - The saga of this time traveling hero continues through strange worlds and eras of American history. The panels are small and plentiful on each page, almost monotonous in some parts. Nestor Redondo's competent inks are most evident on the character's faces. The twisted sea monster emerging from the depths (page 23) is memorable largely due to Redondo's draftsmanship. This is 2 of 8 Aztec Ace issues by Redondo. /// Redondo gallery
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"Lightning Snatched from the Tyrant of Time" Redondo story inks (Michael Hernandez pencils) 29 pages including inside front cover = ***

Nestor Redondo
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Aztec Ace #2 - Nestor Redondo art Aztec Ace #2 - Nestor Redondo art Reviewed by Ted F on 7:09 PM Rating: 5

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