New Gods #13 - Don Newton art

New Gods #13
New Gods v1 #13, 1977Don Newton's artwork takes the second run of the series into new territory. While less dynamic than his predecessor (Jack Kirby), the artist brings a softer, perhaps more romantic vision of the gods of New Genesis. The first several pages, including the two splashes, are particularly well crafted and are better than the remainder of the book. This story was later reprinted in New Gods by Gerry Conway. Cover by Al Milgrom. This is 2 of 7 New Gods issues by Newton.
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"Let Loose the Hounds of War" Newton story
pencils (Dan Adkins inks) 17 pages = ***

Don Newton
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New Gods #13 - Don Newton art New Gods #13 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:49 AM Rating: 5

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