Frontline Combat #12 - Alex Toth, Wally Wood art, Jack Davis cover

Frontline Combat #12
Frontline Combat v1 #12, 1953 - This special Air Force issue focuses on aircraft used during the Korean War. Each plane has its unique characteristics and its own story to tell. Jack Davis' cover shows the complexity of the machines through exquisite details. Inside, Alex Toth's fine artistic effort gives readers the sensation of being in a-state-of- the-art fighter jet. His minimalist approach seems perfectly suited to convey the vastness of open skies. Wally Wood's tale is also enlightening, chronicling a downed pilot's helicopter rescue. Despite some mis-proportioned figures on the opening panel, the artwork is informative but engaging. Interestingly, Wood uses repetitive panel sequences to control the story's pace. Both stories were later reprinted in Frontline Combat v2 #12. Other artists in this golden age comic include George Evans and Jack Davis. This is 2 of 2 Frontline Combat issues by Toth and 10 of 13 Frontline Combat issues by Wood. /// select Davis cover / Wood gallery
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Davis cover pencils and inks
"F-86 Sabre Jet" Toth story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***
"H-5" Wood story pencils and inks 8 pages = ***

Alex Toth
Wally Wood

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Frontline Combat #12 - Alex Toth, Wally Wood art, Jack Davis cover Frontline Combat #12 - Alex Toth, Wally Wood art, Jack Davis cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:11 PM Rating: 5

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