Conan the Barbarian Special #1 - Barry Windsor Smith cover & reprints

Barry Windsor Smith
Conan the Barbarian v1 Special #1, 1973 - This violent cover has a striking similarity to Conan the Barbarian #21, both drawn by Barry Smith at around the same time. More bloodied and bruised, Conan stands victorious over his foes. On the lower right, a dead man's eyes peer at us through the pristine waters. Smith begins his neoclassical phase, infusing his art with intricate details. Despite the busy typography, this is among his finest covers. This bronze age comic reprints Conan #2 and #4 for the first time. This is 1 of 1 Conan the Barbarian Special issues by Smith.
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Smith cover pencils and inks = *****

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Conan the Barbarian Special #1 - Barry Windsor Smith cover & reprints Conan the Barbarian Special #1 - Barry Windsor Smith cover & reprints Reviewed by Ted F on 10:24 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Doc Thompson said...

My first experience with Conan started here.Laur of the Beast Men and Tower of the Elephant are two best Conan comics to start with.F all that Dark Horse rubbish.Start here and that gets you prime Conan comics.

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